
How to design a blog and 13 Expert-Level Blog Design Tips for Beginners

  Blog Design Tips   – Blog design can be as simple as installing a theme and adding a few widgets. But if you take your blog seriously and you want it to visually stand out, the first step is understanding the principles of design. These  blog design tips  will help. Once you understand what makes a good blog design, you can work on it yourself or find and qualify a talented designer. Here are 13 expert-level blog design tips that I’ve gathered from three years of being a freelance web designer. To help illustrate these tips, I’m going to use’s design as an example. No 1  Blog Design Tip –  Make Goal-Driven Design Decisions The purpose of design is to get your website to convert towards your goals. That’s it. Everything else comes secondary. How do you do that? You need to have a visual hierarchy that leads to a call to action. In simpler terms, feature a headline or a series of headlines that end in a call to action. Then put this headline/ca...

19 Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Double Your Search Traffic

Also read - What is seo Are you ready to  double your search traffic ? Understanding SEO is crucial to significantly increase your traffic and brand awareness. Right now, thousands of people are looking for content just like yours. You can help them find it by becoming an SEO expert. According to HubSpot,  80% of a website’s traffic  begins with a search query. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important. Staying on top of SEO takes a lot of research and experimentation. Google’s algorithms are constantly updated so it’s important to stay tuned into the latest news. With this in mind, and a bit of practice, you can become your own SEO expert. That’s what I did! Every day, people use Google to conduct over  3.5 billion searches . In the U.S., 78% of people use the web to research products and services before buying. Once your website begins to rank in the first pages of Google’s search results, you’ll get more visibility. This means more traffic, more ...